Dues are for the calendar year and are due in December of the current year for the following year, i.e. December 2014 is for 2015 membership. Dues are our primary source of income and are necessary for the day to day operation and growth of the Society. Due are $24 for the individual or $250 for a lifetime membership and should be remitted to NCHGS, Post Office Box 181, Decatur, MS 39327.
Newton County Historical & Genealogical Society P O Box 181 Decatur, MS 39327
World War II Veterans - Newton Co, MS
Newton County Historical & Genealogical Society's World War II Veterans, Newton County, Mississippi was compiled by Terry Lange and Harold Graham. The 700 page volume contains details of the military service of more than 3,000 men and women with many photographs and personal accounts of war experiences. It also includes published articles from local and regional newspapers. Print Order Form
Outstanding 2006 Historical Society
In an award ceremony at the annual convention of the Mississippi Historical Society on March 3, 2007, NCHGS was named as the Outstanding Local Historical Society for 2006.
