Newton County Historical and Genealogical Society
Constitution and Bylaws
Article 1 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Newton County Historical and Genealogical Society, or as abbreviated, NCHGS.
Article 2 Purposes
This organization is dedicated to the procurement and preservation of such historical items and genealogical information considered important to an understanding of Newton County, Mississippi, and its people.
This organization is further dedicated to educating the public of the history of Newton County, Mississippi, and its people through tours, publications, workshops, and the media.
Article 3 Membership
The membership of the society shall be open to all persons interested in genealogy or local history and who abide by the bylaws of the organization.
Article 4 Annual Dues
Annual dues shall be $20 per individual and $25 for household membership. These are payable at the first meeting of the calendar year. Lifetime membership is $250.
Article 5 Officers
The elected officers of the society shall be the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary. All other positions are appointive and officers selected at the discretion of the President. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the bylaws and partliamentary authority prescribed by the Society. Terms of office for all elected office shall be for one (1) calendar year. Elections shall be held at the final meeting of the outgoing calendar year, that meeting ordinarily occurring in December, with such officers to serve in the incoming calendar year.
Article 6 Meetings
Regular meetings of the society shall be held the second Saturday of each month, beginning at 10:00 a. m. Meetings shall be conducted in the multi-purpose room, Newton County Human Resources Building, 14712 Highway 15 South, Decatur, Mississippi, unless members are notified otherwise.
Article 7 Executive Board
The executive board shall consist of the officers of the society in addition to the Chairpersons of Standing Committees.
Article 8. Standing Committees
The society shall have the following standing committees, as approved by the membership
- Programs and Presentations chaired by the Vice-President
- Membership chaired by the Secretary
- Finance chaired by the Treasurer
- Research and Publications
Article 9 Rules of Decorum
All meetings shall be conducted with the parliamentary rules given in Roberts Rules of Order, or any modification of these rules, as approved by the membership. The President reserves the right to limit discussion from the floor to no more than five (5) minutes.
Article 10 Amendments
Any provision within the constitution and bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of membership present at a given meeting.